Found this fun LA-based wedding/lifestyle/food photographer and I found him to be quite inspiring. Have a look: I guess LA is not that bad...I guess.
Blamo suckers!! Didn't think I'd post again, did you? My time management skills are improving slightly, but I'll try to stick with once a week until I'm ready to go to the next level. Blogging can be a serious thing. This is my number 8, found at Diner in Williamsburg. Super hipster, super vintage, super delicious brunch.
I've been finishing up a recent wedding I shot last month, I figured I'd share a few shots since I never post my weddings here. Perhaps another blog?
But I ask you this--is it my fault I enjoy the outside world? Is it my fault I cannot commit to such a restrictive realm that is the internet? World-wide-web? No...stuck-in-an-office/mobile device/bedroom-web! Is it my fault I have a compulsive need to blame everything else except myself? No, that's the government's fault.
Moving on, here is my number nine. I will admit it did take me a while to find a nine in this town, I suppose it's just not as popular as you'd think.
A belated happy 2010. As a new New Years photo project, I've decided to count down with found photos starting at 10. My hopes is to do this all with my iPhone, but who knows if said iPhone will actually function that long. Here's hoping!